Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Writing Prompt- The Metamorphosis

In the novella "The Metamorphosis" by Franz Kafka, Gregor Samsa transformed into a very large insect. Gregor's metamorphosis not only changes himself but other characters (Gregor's family). Gregor's sister, Grete, goes though the largest and the most significant of the family’s transformations. Gregor and Grete's metamorphoses, together contribute to Kafka's overall meaning of the work, which is: In the end we are all alone and will die that way.

Gregor’s physical difference is easy to point out; he was transformed into a bug. Not only did Gregor’s body change but as does many other things. When Gregor was human he hated his job as a traveling salesman, but he couldn’t quit because he was the only person bringing in many in his family, which he loved dearly. After Gregor’s metamorphosis he no longer had to work to pay off his father’s debt. He now stayed at home, which he rarely did and his eating likes an dislikes changed completely.

After Gregor’s change into a large unknown bug he started to see himself as the reason the family was started to see to have financial difficulties. He said in the novella that he felt like a hassle to his family, that might be the reason the he starved himself to death. Mr. Samsa, Gregor’s father which he considered the man of the house was over weight, old, didn’t work and left Gregor to pay his dept from his failed business. Gregor’s mother he though was much too old and helpless to work, and as far as for his sister, Grete, he beileved she was too young to work, but could play the violin extremly well.

Grete transforms from a jobless young girl who has no responsibilities, and depends on her big brother to a young woman who as a job, responsibilities and has physically and mentally matured. It’s a possibility that now Grete sees her self as more helpful.

Before Gregor turned into a bug, Grete thought of him as a friend who she wrote to when he was away, but after the transformation. Gregor began to be a hassle to her so where she was disgusted with the sight of him so where she wouldn’t enter if he was visible. She thought of her father as compromising because he had no feelings toward bug Gregor and in Grete’s eyes her mom is feeble and caring.

Grete’s transformation helps Kafka’s overall meaning of the work, that you’ll die alone, because at the end of the novella she stops believing that the bug is Gregor, and because Gregor dies a sloe death in a room by himself.

1 comment:

Nicole F. AP English said...


-"Gregor and Grete's metamorphoses"

- "In the end we are all alone and will die that way."
change this so it doesnt say we, maybe say "people"

-"bringing in many in his family"
I think its supposed to say money and maybe make this sentence less of a run on
"When Gregor was human he hated his job as a traveling salesman, but he couldn’t quit because he was the only person bringing in many in his family, which he loved dearly."

- "and his eating likes an dislikes changed completely."
change this to something like his "eating preferences change"

- lot of plot summary
- didn't talk too much about Grete which I thought you were going to since you said in the first paragraph she had the most significant change
- talk in present tense, change all of your words with "ed" to be present tense.

- I would give you about a 4, once I think your spelling is changed and you talk a little more about Grete, you will have a solid paper.
